White bird Finish book

Sara snook in to Vivienne’s house and Sara heard sounds coming from the stairs. Rabbi Bernstein and his Wife that was the last person that Sara was going to expect. A Laflear came and pointed a gun at Sara. They left after a month later at the end of the year. The Laflears took Sara to the attic than Vivienne looked in the barn for Sara then she saw Sara in the window and she was relieved. Sara never knew what happened to Jlien but Sara knew that his soul rose up that morning. They never found Julien’s body Vivienne never got to go there. They never gave up to find him. Than Sara got reunited with her dad and moved to Paris. That’s the end of grandmere’s story. Julian feel’s bad for grandmere and Julien. Julian made grandmere so happy.

4 Thoughts.

    • Yes, I do agree with Diego it wasn’t laflear it was Vincent and because well, he was part of the natzies so he would of killed Julian.

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